Thursday, January 17, 2013

Restoring Old Photos through simple editing

Everyone has old photos that have been handed down through the generations.  Unfortunately, they are usually not in very good shape and therefore don't get shared and enjoyed as they should.  Luckily for us, today's photo editing software can really take those old pictures and make them something that can be shared and enjoyed by many.  Here are some examples that I've worked on.

As you can see in the first image, this picture was a very, very small image that had actually been folded in half (see the crease) and even written on in a pen (hard to see but it is right at the top).  After scanning, enhancing, and doing a little retouching, the bottom image is not perfect but it is certainly good enough to get a very clear picture and memory of this happy couple on their wedding day.

This next example is a picture that I thought was all in one color, kind of a sepia tone.  When I scanned it and enhanced it, I found out that there was actually color in the picture!

I think it is amazing how good the second version looks  See the green leaves!

This third example is probably most typical of the old snapshots that people have in their filing cabinets and closets.  It was very gray and hard to distinguish one object from another.

Again, some basic scanning, enhancement, and a few other adjustments and you can really see the fine details in this picture.  Look how clear the windows are, and you can really see each individual fish on the line.

Make a commitment to find those most prized family pictures and get them scanned and repaired so that you can share them on Facebook or in a family album or through email with your relatives.  Everyone will be glad you did!

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